
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Top 10 Disney Villain Songs

I was recently talking with a friend of mine about the Jungle Book and how they are actually making another one that is to be released in 2016. This really got me to thinking about Disney villains and the songs that they sing. So I have come up with this, my list of the Top Ten Disney Villain Songs. For this list I will exclude any other entities owned by Disney, such as Pixar, and stick to the classic animated movies. Also, the song must be sung by said villain.

Without further ado here are my Top 10:

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

New Year Rant

I must be more diligent in posting on here, I must resume my workout schedule, carbs must again be the enemy and I have to get my s#!t together overall. There is a lot to accomplish in this ever fading year. With each day that passes there is less time to accomplish everything I would like to. Writing, music, my car, all of it must be balanced and with work and the time managed properly with priorities set. Adult life is not like my seven year old self believed, things rarely are.

Friday, January 2, 2015


It is a new year. Many new and exciting, as well as somber, things will occur this year. No one really knows what the future holds for anyone of us but we can sure try and make this a year to remember. Just keep in mind that sitting and waiting for life to happen is a great way to make your life go by without a single memorable thing happening.

Are you spontaneous? Or do you like making plans and knowing where your future is headed? Which ever you are, just keep in mind that sometimes life happens as you make plans. And sometimes making rash decisions isn't the best choice. Just live each day to its fullest as best you can and make everyday count.